My Thesis

My Thesis topic is "Shaping Islamic design into the modern century within a hotel". I have worked on it for a whole year. My first year in Grad school was studio classes and my second year I focused on just research and design for my thesis. The idea is to reshape Islamic design and modernize it to fit our modern time. 
 I redesigned an existing hotel in Dubai, and applied my modern Islamic design ideas into the Lobby, Lounge, a standard room, and a suite. Other than just designing and space planning, I have custom designed some chairs and rugs to suit the rooms. I have added most of the renderings and room floor plans. 

Hotel name and logo :)

The Lobby...

The lounge area..

Standard room floor plan, perspective, and elevation ..

The suite..

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I have found a new alliance opportunity for Designers/Interior Designer and Architect with a company called GROHE. I would recommend if you are any of them.. must get associated with the GROHE Designer Alliance.
